Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What is Chakra Healing?

chakra healing crystalsHave you ever had a day where you and your partner are not in sync? This could be days where you’re picking fights with each other, are experiencing jealousy, and are insecure with your relationship. Did you know that this could be related to one of your chakras? Chakra healing can be beneficial in matters of the heart, your financial situation, or if you’re experiencing a physical ailment as well. Here’s the rundown on what chakra healing is and how it can be beneficial to your life.

What are Chakras?

While you may not see it, everything in our environment is emitting energy. The epicenters of this energy are our chakras, and we as humans have seven main centers that house different types of energy. If these centers of energy are thrown off, we could lose our balance dependent on where they lie in our body. For example the fourth chakra, which is also known as the Heart Chakra, is imbalanced when you’re experiencing issues with relationships, as well as physical ailments with your lungs, heart, and shoulders. When this chakra is balanced, you experience good feelings such as happiness, compassion, and empathy.

Balancing and Healing Chakras

When it comes to healing or balancing our chakras that are not aligned, there are certain steps that one can take to get them back to their correct state. Many times, people turn to the help of a psychic or spiritual consultant to help heal their chakras; however there are simple moves you can make to help with this process.

Affirmations, or certain statements that are said to help encourage strength, are extremely beneficial in cleansing chakras. In the example above with the Heart Chakra, one can help to heal their imbalance here by saying the affirmation, “I am worthy of love and accepting of love. I will lovely unconditionally and deserve the same.”

Outside of affirmations, you can help to heal your chakras by meditating, massage, and color vibration.

IF you’re looking for a psychic love specialist that can help to heal your chakras, contact us today at 

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